Wat Doey? Kynzie
Kynzie asking, "What are you doing?"
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Father's Day
Not too much to update! Father's Day weekend was pretty uneventfull for Matt. I had to be in Hutchinson for a track meet all day Friday and Saturday so Matt stayed in Emporia with the girls and worked on the basement.... we lost electricity in a bad storm last week and therefore lost our sump pump. Everthing is all put back together now though. Last night at dinner Maddie prayed and thanked God for fixing our basement and drying her toy room. It was pretty cute. We will be going back this weekend for Katie's baby shower! Can't wait to see everyone.

McKynzie made this for daddy at Rita's house.
McKynzie made this for daddy at Rita's house.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Funny Talk
The girls say so many funny things that I'm afraid we will forget if I don't document them. So as they say funny things, I will be posting them on here. Matt and I were watching some old family video's of when Maddie was just learning to talk and it was so funny to remember the things that she was saying. We couldn't believe that we had already forgot them. So, hopefully I will be able to get most of them wrote down now. Here's our first one!
Mom, can I have an ice pickle? Maddie
(She was asking for a popsickle from the fridge)
Mom, can I have an ice pickle? Maddie
(She was asking for a popsickle from the fridge)
Maddie's Dance Class
Maddie started Dance/Ballet classes this summer. She is still doing gymnastics but she wanted to try the dance class as well so we thought this would be a good time to try since the summer classes are usually smaller. Parent's are not allowed into the dance studio. We must wait in the lobby area so I was a little nervous how Maddie would do. The first night she cried a little when she went in there but the teacher said she was fine after about 30 seconds. Last week she told me bye bye and marched right in there. I was so proud of her. She has really enjoyed the class so far. Here's a few pictures of her at the studio. doing "the bunny."
Wading Pool
We took the girls to the wading pool last weekend. This is the first full summer that McKynzie will really get to enjoy the water. She was afraid of water for most of last summer. She had a lot of fun and Maddie is a fish so she could live in the water. Maddie got to go on Saturday for her "friend" Andon's birthday party and then we took both of them on Sunday with some of our friends. Hopefully we will make it to the big aquatic center sometime soon. We're waiting for some warmer weather (especially if mom has to get in)!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Maddie's Hair Cut
One morning Matt went to brush Maddie's hair and could not get the brush through it so what does he do.... takes her to the hair dresser and cuts it off. Oh I wanted to KILL him when he called me and told me AFTER he had already did it. He told me it was just a trim, maybe one inch. I knew better because he had been talking about getting her hair cut short for a while now. During the school year, Matt does not see the girls in the morning so I am always the one to get them ready and do their hair. This summer, he has been the one to get them up and ready. Apparantly he can't take it, so what does he do? Takes her to the hair dresser and has 5 inches cut off! Good thing she is so darn cute and it does look cute on her. I still prefer it long though I do admit it has been a lot easier to brush and Maddie really likes it and that is the important thing.
Silly Girls
The summer has been so crazy so far. I have not had time to update the blog like I had hoped. Hopefully it will start slowing down a little and I can enjoy it a little more. Matt and the girls have still managed to have some fun though. Maddie is staying home with Matt two days a week and McKynzie one day. Here's a few random summer pictures of the girls.
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