Maddie had an asthma check up last Thursday and is doing really well. We actually avoided the doctor and ER all summer long. Her next check up won't be for 6 months now!
On Friday, she came down with a "Mystery Rash" on her legs and arm and I had to take her back to the Dr. It wasn't ring worm, which Matt thought it was. It wasn't chicken pox. It wasn't her exema. We really don't know what it was. She got some cream to put on it and it is looking better today.
Then, yesterday she had to go BACK to the Dr. again (yes that's 3 weekdays in a row) for a flu shot and another immunization shot. Poor thing had to have one shot in each of her thighs. She screamed pretty loud and tried to milk it for a while. She left the Dr's office limping yesterday....not sure which leg she thought she was limping on since they both had shots in them :) Matt took her out for ice cream after her appointment and that seemed to be the cure for it. Although this morning, when I was walking her in to school, she suddenly had leg pains again where her shots were! Hmm, I couldn't figure that one out :) Crazy how they can just come and go like that.
Anyways, after three trips to the Dr. with her, I really hope and pray that we are done for a long time.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Not too much to update on this week. We had a somewhat relaxing and uneventful weekend. Friday we got tacos at the Sacred Heart Mexican Supper and took them to the park with the girls. It was the cheer clinic again on Saturday morning and this time, Maddie actually got out there and cheered thanks to the help of Kynzie! ha ha! I think Maddie realized that if her 2 year old sister could get out there, she could too. I ended up tagging and volunteering at a consignment sale all day Saturday so Matt had the girls by himself all day! It's good for him to do that every now and then ;)
Sunday we went to church with some of our friends that we have been trying to get to come to our church. It was an awesome service! It's amazing how sometimes God just works that out so nicely. We went to Coach's after church and all ate lunch. Kynzie entertained us with eating her cheeseburger. By the end of the meal, she had ketchup from ear to ear and a smile! Sunday evening Matt had to teach from 7 - 9 pm so the girls and I went to the train rides and zoo.
The girls are really itching to see some family. They've been asking about everyone almost daily. Kynzie has a meltdown everytime she sees the computer screen because she thinks Coco should be on there. This morning, she had a meltdown because she wanted to talk to "Debbie" on the phone. Then she saw Hunter's picture on the fridge and just kept saying his name over and over. Maddie will see "Bella's" picture on the fridge and ask when she can see her and hold her. Yeah, I'm thinking it's about time.
Sunday we went to church with some of our friends that we have been trying to get to come to our church. It was an awesome service! It's amazing how sometimes God just works that out so nicely. We went to Coach's after church and all ate lunch. Kynzie entertained us with eating her cheeseburger. By the end of the meal, she had ketchup from ear to ear and a smile! Sunday evening Matt had to teach from 7 - 9 pm so the girls and I went to the train rides and zoo.
The girls are really itching to see some family. They've been asking about everyone almost daily. Kynzie has a meltdown everytime she sees the computer screen because she thinks Coco should be on there. This morning, she had a meltdown because she wanted to talk to "Debbie" on the phone. Then she saw Hunter's picture on the fridge and just kept saying his name over and over. Maddie will see "Bella's" picture on the fridge and ask when she can see her and hold her. Yeah, I'm thinking it's about time.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
School Picture Day
Big Girl Hair
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Weekend Update
Friday night we went to the first home EHS football game with some friends. Couldn't really tell you how they looked. I was too busy talking to people or keeping an eye on the girls. Especially Kynzie, that girl has no fear on those bleachers! And no fear about what she puts in her mouth. At one point I had to take sunflower seeds out of her mouth.......we didn't have sunflower seeds! EWW! It was fun though and we did win. Smoked the other team which was last years state champions. After the game, we went over to some friends house. We don't get a babysitter because Matt tells me he's tired and we won't be staying that long. Well... at 12:30 am I finally decided that the girls and I were leaving. Not sure when or how Matt got home :)
Saturday morning was bright and early for Maddie and I. I had the cheer clinic that was starting at the Rec. and Maddie said she really wanted to do it too. Once we got there and Maddie saw all the ESU cheerleaders decked out in their uniforms and hair bows, she FROZE! After class, we went home to get Matt and Kynzie and went downtown to the Great American Flea Market that Emporia hosts every September. We walked around to all the vendors and ate lots of junk. The girls got to jump in a bounce house and pet a horse and pony. After the market, we had to rush to Wal Mart and get a birthday present for one of Maddie's friends who was having a b-day party at the skating rink that afternoon. So we get to the skating rink and they give us a ticket to go get her skates. We walk over there, tell them her size and he hands me these plastic skates and are supposed to go over her tennis shoes. I look down and see Maddie is in flip flops! Well crap, now we have to run back home and get her some socks and tennis shoes although she probably would have wore her flip flops if I had let her. Once we got back and got her in her skates, she went out there and fell on her bottom right away. She didn't think to much of skating after that happened. The girls ate some pizza and then I asked Maddie if she was ready to get out there again. She agreed and I went out there with her and held her hand around the rink. She slowly got the hang of it and ended up LOVING it and not wanting to leave. We were the last ones on the rink. I wish I would have brought my camera. She looked so cute out there.
The rest of the weekend slowed down quite a bit and we got ready to start another week.
Saturday morning was bright and early for Maddie and I. I had the cheer clinic that was starting at the Rec. and Maddie said she really wanted to do it too. Once we got there and Maddie saw all the ESU cheerleaders decked out in their uniforms and hair bows, she FROZE! After class, we went home to get Matt and Kynzie and went downtown to the Great American Flea Market that Emporia hosts every September. We walked around to all the vendors and ate lots of junk. The girls got to jump in a bounce house and pet a horse and pony. After the market, we had to rush to Wal Mart and get a birthday present for one of Maddie's friends who was having a b-day party at the skating rink that afternoon. So we get to the skating rink and they give us a ticket to go get her skates. We walk over there, tell them her size and he hands me these plastic skates and are supposed to go over her tennis shoes. I look down and see Maddie is in flip flops! Well crap, now we have to run back home and get her some socks and tennis shoes although she probably would have wore her flip flops if I had let her. Once we got back and got her in her skates, she went out there and fell on her bottom right away. She didn't think to much of skating after that happened. The girls ate some pizza and then I asked Maddie if she was ready to get out there again. She agreed and I went out there with her and held her hand around the rink. She slowly got the hang of it and ended up LOVING it and not wanting to leave. We were the last ones on the rink. I wish I would have brought my camera. She looked so cute out there.
The rest of the weekend slowed down quite a bit and we got ready to start another week.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Labor Day Weekend
Matt's been working really hard with both his jobs so we decided that we needed a little gettway for the weekend. We headed out for Kansas City a little early on Friday and met some of our friends from Emporia there at a hotel. We took the girls to the Royals game that night. This was Kynzie's first Royals experience. I think they had a great time between the pop, popcorn, cotton candy, carousal rides and fireworks show at the end.

We didn't get back to the hotel till about 11:30 pm so it was about midnight when the girls finally went to sleep. Matt and I stayed up till about 2:00 am in our friends adjoining room. I thought for sure they would want to sleep in in the morning but no such luck. Both girls were up by 7:00 am ready to eat and go swimming. Before we left the hotel, we got to see little Kali (oh and Katie and Tyson too :)! They were in town for a wedding. The girls got to hold her and love on her for a while. It was pretty cute to watch them but I had to get Matt away from the baby before he decided that we needed another. Maddie was great with Kali (or Bella) as she calls her. She held her and held her hand and rubbed her head. Kynzie on the other hand was careless and clueless when it came to the baby. She did however offer her her "kiki" which I thought was really nice.
We went to the zoo on Saturday and despite Matt and I being extremely tired, we had a great time with the girls. All's Maddie could talk about was feeding the goats, she wanted to go feed the goats, feed the goats, when are we going to feed the goats. So..... we waited all day and finally made our way over to the petting zoo and who fed the goats??? Not Maddie!
Maddie did enjoy riding another carousal ride and playing in the big tree house though.
The girls crashed hard on the way home from the zoo. We weren't even out of the parking lot when they were both fast asleep. The rest of the weekend, we enjoyed being lazy
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