Thursday, April 22, 2010
Well we had been torn on what to do with Maddie next year for Kindergarten. Put her in the dual language program or in a regular classroom. After ALOT of discussing and asking questions, we have decided that we will put her in the dual language program. The benefits seemed to outweigh our concerns with how she would do. We know it will be tough and probably frustrating at times, but she is a very smart girl and we are confident that she can handle it. She really is a sponge right now and enjoys learning new things so I think this program will be good for her and keep her from getting bored. The Emporia Christian School where she has been for the last two years has done a wonderful job of preparing them for Kindergarten and Maddie's teacher told me that Maddie's entire class is very smart! I'm sure it will be a challenging and interesting year but we are looking foward to hearing Maddie start to speak and write in Spanish. Maybe she can teach Matt and I.
Fire Pit
We finally broke out the fire pit that we got for Christmas this week. I bought some s'mores stuff for the girls to do. We let Maddie roast her own marshmallow but Kynzie just doesn't get it. She would walk right up to that fire and try and touch it if we didn't stop her. No clue! She did however, know how to enjoy the s'mores! :)

Parenting Sessions
Starting last Sunday and for the next three Sundays, our church is doing an intentional parenting conference. I have been really excited about this opportunity to learn how to raise Godly, well behaved children. One of the tips that we learned on Sunday was parenting like "Grandma used to." Using the "because I said so" phrase and having your word be the only way it is. The reasoning is that children under the age of 5 have no ability to reason and you are just wasting your breathe to explain yourself over and over. Obviously as they get older, you can start give them more reasons. Anyways, I have been using this with the girls more when I have to tell them to do something and they ask "why," I just say "because I said so." Well, this must be sticking with McKynzie because the other morning she told me she didn't want to wear what I had picked out for her and I asked why and she says, "because I said so." Geez! Anyways, this week is all about discipline so it should be a good one!
Maddie's Birthday Trip
On Saturday we took Maddie and two friends to Kansas City to celebrate her birthday. First we went to Belle Brigade for makeovers, then it was off to Chucky Cheese for pizza and games then we took them to a really neat park. The girls had a blast and even Matt and I enjoyed the day with four little girls. Matt was a trooper, hanging in there with all the girls! Not sure how many more years he will be invited to the girly birthday parties. :)

Maddie opening her present from Avery on the way up
Maddie opening her present from Avery on the way up
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Kindergarten Round Up
Monday night was Kindergarten Orientation for Maddie. We dropped Kynzie off at Amanda's house and headed to Village. Maddie was so excited to go to her "new school" and see everything and meet all the teachers. Well......we walked in to a packed house and she immediately wrapped herself around my leg like a little monkey and would not let go. I felt really bad for her. They had a parent meeting in the cafeteria and student teachers who were escorting the kids into the Kindergarten rooms to do some activities. I told Maddie that I would walk her down to the room. It didn't get any easier, even after we found Larissa, who is one of the Kindergarten teachers and was just at our house on Saturday. It was sad and I hope she doesn't do that on the first day of school or I just might have to take her back home with me ;). The teachers reassured me though that there will never be that many kids in the classroom at one time again. The principal said that this was the biggest incoming Kindergarten class that they have seen in a long time. We're still not sure if we want to put Maddie in the dual language program but are going to another meeting on it on Thursday. The program is very popular and it is a first come first serve basis so we really need to decide very quickly. We know several families that are going to do the program so that would be nice. We will see.
Matt and some friends went to the Royals game on Saturday so the girls and I got to spend the whole day together. We went to the Teddy Bear Fair at the mall in the morning and got the girls and their teddy bears weighed and measured. Maddie is up to 38 lbs and Kynzie was exactly 10 lbs. lighter at 28 lbs. There was also exactly 10 inches difference in their heights. After the clinic, we went flip flop shopping! Maddie can never have too many flip flops. She is so hard on all her shoes. During Kynzie's rest time, Maddie helped me clean the entire house. She had a blast helping me out. I let her clean all the windows, dust and sweep the kitchen and dining room. I kind of felt bad but she was loving it and kept asking me to do more. I guess I'll take advantage of that while she still enjoys it! My friend Larissa came over Saturday evening and we made tacos and hung out with the girls. The weather was perfect and the girls played outside all evening with the little neighbor girl. Overall, it was just a great relaxing Spring day.
Sunday after church Matt got the bright idea to cut down a dead tree in the backyard. He wanted my help and I refused to kill myself. Luckily some neighborhood boys were walking by and Matt promised them a pop if they stopped and help him. One of the boy's dad ended up coming over and helping out as well. Here are a few pictures of the adventure!
The tree before it went down
Matt and his students getting ready to pull the rope
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Maddie's Gymnastics
I'm so proud of Maddie. She continues to do Awesome in gymnastics. On Monday at class, her teacher told me that Maddie is ready to be moved up to the 1st and 2nd grade class this summer. She was already moved up last year to the Kindergarten class. Then, he told me that they had their eye on her for "Team." Which means that she would be put on the team and get to compete in meets. He said that she has the perfect body type for a gymnast and the fast twitch muscles that you need. He said right now they youngest one they have on the team is 6! Maddie's next goal is to get her back handsprings by herself. Right now she can do them with a spotter. We'll see how she does this summer with the older girls and if she continues to enjoy it. Right now she loves it and asks me everyday if it is her gymanstics day yet. So, we may not have a basketball player but looks like we could have a pretty good gymnast. :)
Crazy Kynzie
Easter Sunday and fifth and final Egg Hunt!
4th Easter Egg Hunt of the weekend
Coloring Easter Eggs
After the Kinsley Easter Egg hunt we headed to Dodge to see Grandma Alice and go to the movies. After we ate, we went to the park in Dodge and what did we find?? Another Easter Egg Hunt going on. We didn't have the girls bags or we just might have stayed and did it! :)
3rd Easter Egg Hunt of weekend
First thing Saturday, we went to the Kinsley Easter Egg hunt. We met Hunter and Hooper there but we really didn't get to stay together because between the 4 of them, they were in 3 different age groups. Kynzie and Hunter were the only two that were in the same group.

Kynzie and grandma Tootie trying to stay warm

Kynzie talking to the Easter Bunny

Kynzie checking to see how many eggs she has

Jamie giving Hunter his pep talk and hunting strategy

Maddie won a prize!
Kynzie and grandma Tootie trying to stay warm
Kynzie talking to the Easter Bunny
Kynzie checking to see how many eggs she has
Jamie giving Hunter his pep talk and hunting strategy
Maddie won a prize!
2nd Easter Egg Hunt of the weekend
1st Easter Egg Hunt of the weekend
I love Easter and all of the festivities that go with it. Matt and I both had Friday off so we got to leave Thursday night and head back to Burdett. Before we left, we took the girls to a little Easter egg hunt at Jones Park that some of our friends do every year for a small group of kids. The girls made out great and go a taste of their first Easter egg hunt of the year.

Last Snow of season......we hope!!
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