Well, this day started out unusually early. 1:50 am to be EXACT. Well, for Amber it never actually ended from the night before. We had decided that mom, Amber and I would do the Black Friday shopping in Hays this year. The leave time kept getting pushed up and we finally settled on leaving Kinsley at 3:00 am. Long story short, we ended up leaving at 3:30 am and getting to Hays about 4:40 am. We started the morning off at crazy Wal Mart. We all scattered our separate ways and I was able to get almost everything I wanted. After Wal Mart was the Mall and then various other stores. We made it back to Kinsley around 2 pm.....just in time for naptime :) After naps, we went over to see Grandma and Grandpa Castaneda. Then it was on to Burdett to be with the Coco and Grandma Brenda. We all kind of got a second wind when we got there, snacking on food, playing the wii, making smores, and decorating a ginger bread train.

Kynzie had more fun eating the icing from the plastic

Maddie doing it right!

Finished Product
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