Saturday was Matts LAST basketball tournament for the season in Manhattan and the girls and I just stayed home. I decided that it was time to get Kynzie's hair cut. It was getting really long and looking a little crazy. When Maddie heard that Kynzie was getting her hair cut she thought she needed to get hers cut too so I told her she could if they had time to cut them both. When we got there, Kynzie got really shy and stubborn and decided that she was NOT sitting in that chair to get her hair cut. We decided to have Maddie get her's cut first and see if that would persuade Kynzie at all to sit in the chair. But I should have known that if Kynzie doesn't want to do something, Kynzie is not going to do it. So, after about 45 minutes the hairdresser said that she could just cut Kyznie's hair while she stood up as long as she stood still. Kynzie was totally fine with that and did a great job standing there very still. I took a few before and after pictures of the girls.

Maddie showing Kynzie how brave she was to sit in the chair all by herself

Maddie getting her hair cut
Maddie's after shot is not great because they put it in a ponytail, however Maddie loved the sparkles!
Kynzie's curly locks before the cut
Kynzie standing there while she got her hair cut. Notice the baby sticking out from under her cape. She would not put the baby down....another stubborn act.
After shot. Her curly locks stayed in tact. I was so afraid they would all get chopped off. Big difference right?? Ha
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