Wow so much has happened in the last couple of months and I have not done a good job of keeping up the family blog. Matt got a teaching job with Blue Valley School District, we sold our house in Emporia, I got a job with Gardner Parks and Recreation Department and we found this townhome in Gardner to rent. We plan to stay here for a year until we get a good feel for the area that we want to stay in and buy a house in. The townhome is just over 1/2 the size of our house in Emporia so it has definitely been a change for us but we are getting used to it and we really like the town of Gardner and our neighborhood. With all that there is to do around here and KC, we don't plan to spend much time in our home anyways. We are kind of excited to not have all of the homeowner responsibilities for a while, although Matt was sad when he found out that we were still responsible for mowing our own lawn. Here are some pictures of our new place. Now that things are starting to slow down and fall into place, I hope to do better with our family updates. Pictures of the girls to come soon!



Main level 1/2 bath

Small small kitchen

more kitchen

Pantry (I'm so excited about this, I've never had one)

Dining room from kitchen

Another dining room, it's somewhat open to kitchen

Living Room, on the other side of stairs is the dining room

Living Room, with our bedroom armoire that fit perfectly in the cove :)

Kynzie's room

Kynzie's room

Kynzie's room, she finally got a tv in her room but we had to mount it on the wall or she would probably get up at night and try watching tv. :)

Maddie's room

Maddie's room

Maddie's room

The girl's bathroom

The loft which we use as the girl's playroom

Our lovely "washroom." It is nice though since it is on the same level as our bedrooms. No more going up and down 2 flights of stairs.

Master Bath

Our bedroom, our HUGE headboard wouldn't fit up the stairs :( so it is being stored in the garage right now

The office area in our bedroom

Our bigscreen wouldn't fit in the cove in the living room so we decided to put it in our bedroom
You are fast! Everything all decorated :) My aunt & uncle live in Gardner and another aunt & uncle live in Overland Park. Blue Valley is a really good district (at least it was several years ago when my cousins went there). Glad you're getting settled in!