The girls and I and our duck whistles
A view of Table Rock from the Duck
A view from the water in the Duck
Monday night we went to the Acrobats of China show and that was amazing. I was so glad that we decided to go to that. It didn't start until 8 pm and it was a two hour show so it was a late night for Kynzie but she did great and hung in there all night long. Maddie's eyes were so wide-eyed the entire night. The show consisted of some gymnastics, acrobatics, trapezoids, magic show, circus acts, etc. Basically everything that Maddie loves. Plus all of the girls were in very pretty sparkly outfits which she thought was great. They had a gift shop in there so of course we had to go into it. Maddie has always wanted a chinese fan and I have never been able to find one but they had them so of course we bought her and Kynzie one. She loves it. When we got back, she took it to school and showed all of her friends.

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