Had a fun weekend! Grandma Debbie decided to come visit the girls on Saturday. It was such a nice to finally get outside and play and go to the park. Matt and the girls got up on Saturday and went to the park and jumped on the trampoline. Grandma got to town about noon and we went out to eat. I had to work the 1A sub state BB tournament on Saturday night so Matt and mom took the girls to the movie Alice and Wonderland. I think the consensus was that it wasn't as good as they thought it would be. Kynzie did good till the last 20 minutes according to daddy. According to Grandma, she would have been fine the last 20 minutes :). Maddie then got spoiled with a trip to Wal Mart with grandma Debbie where I am convinced that she went up and down every isle in Wal Mart saying "I want this, I want this." Although mom I have to tell you, she has played and played with that glow in the dark doodle thing. It has went everywhere with her. So I guess that was a good buy. She wants to take it in the van everytime we leave the house so I'm hoping it will come in handy for our vacation this weekend.
Matt and I got to go out with some friends on Saturday night since we had a free babysitter :). I think we made it home about 3 am. I'm pretty sure I hadn't done that in a long time. Needless to say, we did not make it to church on Sunday. We all did get to go to the park before Grandma Debbie had to leave. After naptime, it was more park time! Oh how we long for spring/summer weather!!

Grandma Debbie and the girls

The girls showing off their princess and the frog nightgowns that Grandma Debbie bought them.
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